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Using Imagery to Facilitate Forgiveness: The Overlooked Component in Wellness


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Using Imagery to Facilitate Forgiveness:
The Overlooked Component in Wellness

Webinar Date: Thursday, March 27

4:00pm to 5:00pm Pacific Time

When we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, it can literally make us ill. In this experiential webinar, we examine what forgiveness is and what it is not, and how to genuinely forgive. Whether in need of forgiving a family member, a situation, an event, or the real “biggie, YOURSELF, discover how you can use Imagery to help that part of yourself that is wounded “move beyond” to a place of peace and resolution.


Jann Fredrickson Ramus was one of the originals in the story of Imagery International. She was a founder of the Conference and served as Conference Chair for many years. Jann served both the Academy for Guided Imagery and Beyond Ordinary Nursing as a Teaching mentor. Teaching and training are Jann's passions along with walking the Mississippi River Trail.

Jann has written a column for IMAGINEWS for nearly 25 years called "Imagery Here and There." Jann is an LICSW in the state of Minnesota and is entering her 41st year as a Clinical Social Worker. Her area of expertise is Trauma. She uses humor, Emotional Freedom Therapy, teaching and Imagery in her sessions.

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Imagery International, a non-profit 501(C)6, is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all board members, staff, volunteers and members feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

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